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Taos Pueblo, NM.

The architecture known as bioclimatic, ecologic, sustainable or green, it is just the architecture related to the place, the same architecture that has always tried to create useful spaces according to the physical and cultural landscape of a location, and thus be adapted to the environment and generate the minimum local and global impact. 


Nowadays the terms traditional, regional or vernacular are used to refer this type of architecture, although it is done in an old fashion manner, far from the sophistication and modernity that the current architecture looks for, and that sometimes forgets the social and environmental reality of the place where is held.

To look again this architecture means to understand the needs of the place and its people, and recover the knowledge of the proportions, materials, techniques and design that in any place has evolved through learning and adapting to the Environment.


The combination of current technological means with the knowledge and awareness of the past, can give us new architectural solutions more socially equitable, healthy, ecological and economical. 

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